Friday 26 February 2016

The Fitness Journey continues

Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009
Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While I've not yet made a huge amount of progress, I have at least come up with a plan (which is I hope a step in the right direction!) ... :)

I'm currently attempting Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 on the XBox.  While I've purchased it already and it has a 4 week program I think I'm going to extend that somewhat as follows.

  • Week 1 = Week 1 Program
  • Week 2 = Week 1 Program
  • Week 3 = Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program
  • Week 4 = Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program
  • Week 5 = Week 3 Program + Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program
  • Week 6 = Week 3 Program + Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program
  • Week 7 = Week 4 Program + Week 3 Program + Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program
  • Week 8 = Week 4 Program + Week 3 Program + Week 2 Program + Week 1 Program

Now I'm aiming to do this 3 times/week & assuming that today is the starting point I should be doing my Week 3 on the 11th of March.  I expect that the programs will increase in complexity and difficulty as I progress but I have a couple of plans for this summer.

  • 2-3 5km runs
  • 1-2 10km runs
  • 1 5 day walk in Vancouver at the beginning of August
So I figure the best way to get in shape for all of this is not only to increase my overall fitness and health but also my endurance and stamina.  I've spoken previously about the treadmill & I'm planning on getting this in also as it will definitely be beneficial for the 5km & 10km activities, but I don't want to just depend upon this for my fitness goals.

Wednesday 9 December 2015


Been talking about a pet now for a couple of months and there are days where we both want it, and others where I'm the only that wants it.  This too like so many other things in our life seems to be something that changes dependent upon your mood.

I've realized over time that you make things harder not only for yourself but also for everyone around you by changing and not sticking with something.  Not only does it make it hard for you to plan, it also raises expectations and causes disappointment in others. Another case in point about this is your job.

We've been talking now for weeks about your leaving, but the minute you go in and one of the people you work with says you should stay, you do? This doesn't make any sense and in fact just causes more annoyance.  I know that making decisions is difficult for you, but not making them is just dumb and constantly changing the decision you've made is even worse!

Change which is what a pet in our life would be, is something that scares you - I actually understand that, but life IS change.  You can't remain the same forever and you need to experience different things to really enjoy life.

Hopefully putting this down on paper will let me forget Pippin - the pet that never was! :(